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Madonna and Child - BELLINI, Giovanni
unfortunate are we poor children of Eve; for, guilty before God of her fault,
and condemned to the same penalty, we have to wander about in this valley of
tears as exiles from our country, and to weep over our many afflictions of body
and soul. But blessed is he who, in the midst of these sorrows, often turns to
the comfortress of the world, to the refuge of the unfortunate, to the great
Mother of God, and devoutly calls upon her and invokes her! 'Blessed is the man
that heareth me, and that watcheth daily at my gates.' Blessed, says Mary, is
he who listens to my counsels, and watches continually at the gate of my mercy,
and invokes my intercession and aid. The holy Church carefully teaches us her
children with what attention and confidence we should unceasingly have recourse
to this loving protectress. Nor should the multitude of our sins diminish our
confidence, that Mary will grant our petitions, when we cast ourselves at her
feet. She is the Mother of Mercy, but mercy would not be needed did none exist
who require it. On this subject, Richard of St. Lawrence remarks, ' That as a
good mother does not shrink from applying a remedy to her child, infected with
ulcers, however nauseous and revolting they may be, so also is our good Mother
unable to abandon us, when we have recourse to her, that she may heal the
wounds caused by our sins, however loathsome they may have rendered us.' This
good Mother's compassion is so great, and the love she bears us is such, that
she does not even wait for our prayers in order to assist us; but, as it is
expressed in the Book of Wisdom, ' she preventeth them that covet her, so that
she first showeth herself unto them.' St. Anselm applies these words to Mary,
and says that she is beforehand with those who desire her protection. By this
we are to understand, that she obtains us many favors from God who have
recourse to her. ' I am satisfied,' says St. Bernard, ' that whoever has had
recourse to thee, O Blessed Virgin, in his wants, and can remember that he did
so in vain, should no more speak of or praise thy mercy.' St. Anselm, to
increase our confidence, adds, that ' when we have recourse to this Divine
Mother, not only we may be sure of her protection, but that often we shall be
heard more quickly, and be thus preserved, if we have recourse to Mary and call
on her holy name. St. Bridget heard our Lord make a most sweet and consoling
promise; for in the 50th chapter of the First Book of her Revelations, we read,
that Jesus addressed His Mother in the following words: ' Thou shalt present Me
with no petition that shall be refused. My Mother, ask what thou wilt, for
never will I refuse thee anything; and know,' he added, 'that I promise
graciously to hear all those who ask any favor of Me in thy name, though they
may be sinners, if only they have the will to amend their lives.'
read in his Life, that St. Francis of Sales experienced the efficacy of this
prayer. When he was about seventeen years of age he was residing in Paris,
where he was pursuing his studies. At the same time he devoted him self to
exercises of piety and to the holy love of God, in which he found the joys of
paradise. Our Lord, in order to try him and to strengthen the bands which
united him to Himself, allowed the evil spirit to persuade him that all he did was
in vain, as he was already condemned in the eternal decrees of God. The
darkness and spiritual dryness in which God was pleased at the same time to
leave him (for he was then insensible to all the sweeter thoughts of the
goodness of God), caused the temptation to have greater power over the heart of
the holy youth; and, indeed, it reached such a pitch that his fears and
interior desolation took away his appetite, deprived him of sleep, made him
pale and melancholy; so much so, that he excited the compassion of all who saw
him. As long as this terrible storm lasted the Saint could only conceive
thoughts and utter words of despondency and bitter grief. 'Then,' said he, 'I
am to be deprived of the grace of my God, who hitherto has shown Himself so
lovely and sweet to me. 0 Love, 0 Beauty, to which I have consecrated all my
affections, I am no longer to enjoy thy consolation! 0 Virgin, Mother of God,
the fairest amongst all the daughters of Jerusalem, then I am never to see thee
in heaven! Ah! Lady, if I am not to behold thy beautiful countenance in
paradise, at least permit me not to blaspheme thee in hell!' Such were the
tender sentiments of that afflicted, but, at the same time, loving heart. The
temptation had lasted a month, when it pleased our Lord to deliver him by the
means of that comfortress of the world, the most Blessed Mary, to whom the
Saint had some time before consecrated his virginity, and in whom, as he
declared, he had placed all his hopes. One evening, on returning home, he
entered a church, and saw a tablet hanging to the wall: he read it, and found
the following well-known prayer, commonly called ' of St. Bernard,' — '
Remember, 0 most pious Virgin Mary, that it never has been heard of in any age,
that any one having recourse to thy protection was abandoned.' Falling on his
knees before the altar of the Divine Mother, he recited this prayer with tender
fervor, renewed his vow of chastity, promised to say the Rosary every day, and
then added: ' My Queen, be my advocate with thy Son, whom I dare not approach.
My Mother, if I am so unfortunate as not to be able to love my Lord in the next
world, and whom I know to be so worthy of love, at least do thou obtain that I
may love Him in this world as much as possible. Thus is the grace that I ask and
hope for from thee.' Having thus addressed the Blessed Virgin, he cast himself
into the arms of Divine mercy, and resigned himself entirely to the will of
God. Scarcely had he finished his prayer, when, in an instant, he was delivered
from his temptation by his most sweet Mother; he immediately regained the peace
of his soul, and with it his bodily health; and from that time forward lived
most devout to Mary, whose praises and mercy he constantly extolled, both in
his sermons and writings, during the remainder of his life.
Mother of God, Queen of Angels and Hope of men, give ear to one who calls upon
thee, and has recourse to thy protection. Behold me this day prostrate at thy
feet; I, a miserable slave of hell, devote myself entirely to thee: I desire to
be for ever thy servant. I offer myself to serve and honor thee to the utmost
of my power during the whole of my life. I know that the service of one so vile
and miserable can be no honor to thee, since I have so grievously offended
Jesus, thy Son and my Redeemer. But if thou wilt accept one so unworthy for thy
servant, and by thy intercession change, and thus make me worthy, this very
mercy will give thee that honor which so miserable a wretch as I can never give
thee. Receive me, then, and reject me not, 0 my Mother.
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