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DAVID, Gerard
Virgin and Child with Four Angels
c. 1505
Final perseverance
is so great a gift of God, that, as it was declared by the Holy Council of
Trent, it is quite gratuitous on His part, and we cannot merit it. Yet we are
told by St. Augustine, that all who seek for it obtain it from God; and,
according to Father Suarez, they obtain it infallibly, if only they are
diligent in asking for it to the end of their lives ; for, as Bellarmine well
remarks,' That which is daily required must be asked for every day.' Now, if it
is true that all the graces that God dispenses to men pass by the hands of
Mary, it will be equally true that it is only through Mary that we can hope for
this greatest of all graces — perseverance. And we shall obtain it most
certainly, if we always seek it with confidence through Mary. This grace she
herself promises to all who serve her faith fully during life, in the following
words of Ecclesiasticus, and which are applied to her by the Church, on the Feast
of her Immaculate Conception: 'They that work by me shall not sin. They that
explain me shall have life everlasting.' In order that we may be preserved in
the life of grace, we require spiritual fortitude, to resist the many enemies
of our salvation. Now this fortitude can be obtained only by the means of Mary,
and we are assured of it in the book of Proverbs, for the Church applies the
passage to this most Blessed Virgin: ' Strength is mine; by me kings reign'. Meaning, by the words,' strength is mine,'
that God has bestowed this precious gift on Mary, in order that she may dispense
it to her faithful clients.
0, what strength do
the servants of this great Lady possess, to overcome all the assaults of hell!
Mary is that tower spoken of in the sacred Canticles: 'Thy neck is as the tower
of David, which is built with bulwarks; a thousand bucklers hang upon it, all
the armor of valiant men.' She is as a well-defended fortress in defense of her
lovers, who in their wars have recourse to her. In her do her clients find all
shields and arms, to defend themselves against hell? Truly are those souls to
be pitied who abandon this defense, in ceasing their devotion to Mary, and no
longer recommending themselves to her in the time of danger! If the sun ceased
to rise, says St. Bernard, how could the world become other than a chaos of darkness
and horror Take away the sun, and where will be the day? Take away Mary, and
what will be left but the darkest night! When a soul loses devotion to Mary it
is immediately enveloped in darkness, and in that darkness of which the Holy
Ghost speaks in the Psalms: ' Thou hast appointed darkness, and it is night; in
it shall all the beasts of the woods go about.' When the light of heaven ceases
to shine in a soul, all is darkness, and it becomes the haunt of devils and of
every sin. St. Anselm says, that ' if any one is disregarded and contemned by
Mary, he is necessarily lost;' and therefore we may with reason exclaim, Woe to
those who are in opposition with this sun! Woe to those who despise its light!
That is to say, all who despise devotion to Mary St. Francis Borgia always
doubted the perseverance of those in whom he did not find particular devotion
to the Blessed Virgin.
It was then not without
reason that St. Germanus called the most Blessed Virgin the breath of
Christians ; for as the body cannot live without breathing, so the soul cannot
live without having recourse to and recommending itself to Mary, by whose means
we certainly acquire and preserve the life of Divine grace within our souls.
Mary says in the
following words of the Book of Proverbs, which are applied to her by the Church:
' Blessed is the man that heareth me, and that watcheth daily at my gates, and
waiteth at the posts of my doors,' — as if she would say, Blessed is he that
hears my voice, and is constantly attentive to apply at the door of my mercy,
and seeks light and help from me. For clients who do this, Mary does her part,
and obtains them the light and strength they require to abandon sin and walk in
the paths of virtue. For this reason Innocent III. Beautifully calls her 'the
moon at night, the dawn at break of day, and the sun at mid-day.' She is a moon
to enlighten those who blindly wander in the night of sin, and makes them see
and understand the miserable state of damnation in which they are; she is the
dawn (that is, the forerunner of the sun) to those whom she has already
enlightened, and makes them abandon sin and return to God, the true Sun of
justice; finally, she is a sun to those who are in a state of grace, and
prevents them from again falling into the precipice of sin. And therefore St.
Philip Neri, in his exhortations to his penitents, used always to say: 'My
children, if you desire perseverance, be devout to our Blessed Lady.' The
Blessed John Berchmans, of the Society of Jesus, used also to say: 'Whoever
loves Mary will have perseverance,' Truly beautiful is the reflection of the
Abbot Rupert on this subject in his commentary on the parable of the prodigal
son. He says, ' That if this dissolute youth had had a mother living, he would
never have abandoned the paternal roof, or, at least, would have returned much
sooner than he did;' meaning, thereby, that a son of Mary either never abandons
God, or, if he has this misfortune, by her help he soon returns. 0, did all men
but love this most benign and loving Lady, had they but recourse to her always,
and with out delay, in their temptations, who would fall? Who would ever be
lost? He falls and is lost who has not recourse to Mary.
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St Mary of Egypt (detail) 1582-87 TINTORETTO
The history of St.
Mary of Egypt, in the first book of the lives of the Fathers, is well known. At
the age of twelve years she fled from the house of her parents, and went to
Alexandria, and there led an infamous life, and was a scandal to the whole
city. After living for sixteen years in sin, she took it into her head to go to
Jerusalem. At the time the Feast of the Holy Cross was being celebrated, and,
moved rather by curiosity than by devotion, she determined on entering the
church; but when at the door, she felt herself repelled by an invisible force.
She made a second attempt, and was again unable to enter; and the same thing
was repeated a third and fourth time. Finding her efforts in vain, the
unfortunate creature withdrew to a corner of the porch, and there, enlightened
from above, understood that it was on account of her infamous life that God had
repelled her even from the church. In that moment she fortunately raised her
eyes and beheld a picture of Mary. No sooner did she perceive it, than,
sobbing, she exclaimed, '0 Mother of God, pity a poor sinner! I know that on
account of my sins I deserve not that thou shouldst cast thine eyes upon me.
But thou art the refuge of sinners; for the love of thy Son Jesus, help me.
Permit me to enter the church, and I promise to change my life, and to go and
do penance in whatever place thou pointest out to me.' She immediately heard an
internal voice, as it were that of the Blessed Virgin, replying: ' Since thou
hast recourse to me, and wishest to change thy life, go — enter the church, it
is no longer closed against thee.' The sinner entered, adored the Cross, and
wept bitterly. She then returned to the picture, and said, ' Lady, behold I am
ready, where wilt thou that I should go to do penance?' 'Go,' the Blessed
Virgin replied, ' cross the Jordan, and thou wilt find the place of thy
repose.' She went to confession and communion, and then passed the river, and finding
herself in the desert, she understood that it was in that place she should do
penance for her sinful life. During the first seventeen years the assaults of
the devil, by which he endeavored to make the Saint again fall into sin, were
terrible. And what were her means of defense? She constantly recommended her
self to Mary, and this most Blessed Virgin obtained her strength to resist
during the whole of the above time, after which her combats ceased. After
fifty-seven years spent in the desert, and having attained the age of
eighty-seven, she was, by a disposition of providence, met by the Abbot Zosimus;
to him she related the history of her life, and entreated him to return the
following year, and to bring her the Holy Communion. The saintly Abbot did so,
and gave her the bread of angels.
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The Last Communion of Saint Mary of Egypt
She then requested that he would again return
to see her. This also he did, but found her dead. Her body was encompassed by a
bright light, and at her head these words were written, ' Bury my body here —
it is that of a poor sinner, and intercede with God for me.' A lion came and
made a grave with his claws. St. Zosimus buried her, re turned to his
monastery, and related the wonders of God's mercy towards this happy sinner.
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The Ascended Virgin with Ss. Gregory the
Great and Benedict
1512 -
0 compassionate
Mother, most Sacred Virgin, behold at thy feet the traitor, who, by paying with
ingratitude the graces received from God through thy means, has betrayed both
thee and Him. But I must tell thee, 0 most blessed Lady, that my misery, far from
taking away my confidence, increases it; for I see that thy compassion is
great, in proportion to the greatness of my misery. Show thyself, 0 Mary, full
of liberality towards me; for thus thou art towards all who invoke thy aid. All
that I ask is that thou shouldst cast thine eyes of compassion on me, and pity
me. If thy heart is thus far moved, it cannot do otherwise than protect me; and
if thou protectest me, what can I fear? No, I fear nothing. I do not fear my
sins, for thou canst provide a remedy; I do not fear devils, for thou art more powerful
than the whole of hell; I do not even fear thy Son, though justly irritated
against me; for at a word of thine He will be appeased. I only fear lest, in my
temptations, and by my own fault, I may cease to recommend myself to thee, and
thus be lost. But I now promise thee that I will always have recourse to thee;
O help me to fulfill my promise. Lose not the opportunity which now presents
itself of gratifying thy ardent desire to succor such poor wretches as myself.
In thee, 0 Mother of God, I have unbounded confidence. From thee I hope for
grace to bewail my sins as I ought, and from thee I hope for strength never
again to fall into them. If I am sick, thou, 0 heavenly physician, canst heal
me. If my sins have weakened me, thy help will strengthen me. 0 Mary, I hope
all from thee; for thou art all-powerful with God. Amen.
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