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Madonna of the Book – BOTTICELLI, Sandro
grace of God is the greatest and the most desirable of treasures for every
soul. It is called by the Holy Ghost an infinite treasure; for by the means of
Divine grace we are raised to the honor of being the friends of God. These are the words of the Book of Wisdom: 'For she is an infinite treasure to men: which
they that use become the friends of God.' And hence Jesus, our Redeemer and
God, did not hesitate to call those His friends who were in grace: ' You are My
friends.' 0 accursed sin, that dissolves this friendship! 'But your iniquities,'
says the Prophet Isaias, 'have divided between you and your God.' And putting
hatred between the soul and God, it is changed from a friend into an enemy of
its Lord, as ex pressed in the Book of Wisdom: ' But to God the wicked and his
wickedness are hateful alike.' What, then, must a sinner do who has the
misfortune to be the enemy of God I He must find a mediator who will obtain par
don for him, and who will enable him to recover the lost friendship of God. 'Mary,'
says Cardinal Hugo, 'is the great peacemaker, who finds and obtains the
reconciliation of enemies with God, salvation for those who are lost, pardon
for sinners, and mercy for those who are in despair.' And therefore was she
called by the Divine Bridegroom, 'beautiful as the curtains of Solomon.' In the
tents of David, questions of war alone were treated, but in those of Solomon,
questions of peace only were entertained; and thus does the Holy Spirit give us
to understand that this Mother of Mercy never treats of war and vengeance
against sinners, but only of peace and forgive ness for them. Mary was prefigured
by the dove which returned to Noah in the ark with an olive branch in its beak,
as a pledge of the peace which God granted to men. And on this idea St. Bonaventure
thus addresses our Blessed Lady: ' Thou art that most faithful dove; thou wast a
sure mediatrix between God and the world, lost in a spiritual deluge;' thou, by
presenting thyself before God, hast obtained for a lost world peace and
salvation. Mary, then, was the heavenly dove which brought to a lost world the
olive branch, the sign of mercy, since she in the first place gave us Jesus
Christ, who is the source of mercy, and then, by His merits, obtained all
graces for us. 'And as by Mary,' says St. Epiphanius, 'heavenly peace was once
for all given to the world, so by her are sinners still reconciled to God.'
Where fore blessed Albert the Great makes her say: ' I am that dove of Noah,
which brought the olive- branch of universal peace to the Church.' Again, the
rainbow seen by St. John, which encircled the throne of God, was an express
figure of Mary: ' And there was a rainbow round about the throne.' It is thus
explained by Cardinal Vitalis: ' The rainbow round the throne is Mary, who
softens the judgment and sentence of God against sinners;' meaning, that she is
always before God's tribunal, mitigating the chastisements due to sinners. St.
Bernardine of Siena says, ' that it was of this rain bow that God spoke when He
promised Noah that He would place it in the clouds as a sign of peace, that on
looking at it He might re member the eternal peace which He had covenanted to
man. "I will set My bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a
covenant between Me and between the earth, and I shall see it, and shall remember
the everlasting covenant." Mary,' says the Saint, 'is this bow of eternal
peace:' 'for, as God on seeing it remembers the peace promised to the earth, so
does He, at the prayers of Mary, for give the crimes of sinners, and confirm
His peace with them.' St. John Chrysostom says, ' that another purpose for
which the Blessed Virgin Mary was made the Mother of God was, that she might
obtain salvation for many, who, on account of their wicked lives, could not be
saved according to the rigor of Divine justice, but might be so with the help
of her sweet mercy and powerful intercession.' This is confirmed by St. Anselm,
who says, 'that Mary was raised to the dignity of Mother of God rather for
sinners than for the just, since Jesus Christ declares, that He came to call
not the just but sinners.' For this reason, the holy Church sings, 'Thou dost
not abhor sinners, without whom thou wouldst never have been worthy of such a
Son.' For the same reason William of Paris, invoking her, says: ' 0 Mary, thou
art obliged to help sinners for all the gifts, the graces, and high honours,
which are comprised in the dignity of Mother of God, that thou hast received; thou
owest all, so to say, to sinners, for on their account thou wast made worthy to
have a God for thy Son.' ' If then Mary,' concludes St. Anselm, ' was made Mother
of God on account of sinners, how can I, however great my sins may be, despair
of pardon?

de la Roche and Boniface relate, that in Florence there was a young woman of
the name of Benedicta, who was leading a most wicked and scandalous life.
Fortunately for her, as it turned out, St. Dominic went to preach in that city,
and she, out of mere curiosity, went one day to hear him. God, during that
sermon, touched her heart, so much so that she went, and weeping bitterly,
confessed to the Saint. St. Dominic thereupon absolved her, and desired her to
say the Rosary for her penance. From evil habits, the unfortunate creature
again fell into her former mode of life. The Saint heard of it, sought her out,
and again induced her to confess. God, in order to make her persevere, one day
showed her hell, and pointed out some who were there on her account. He then
opened a book, and in it made her read the frightful catalog of her sins. The
sinner was horrified at such a sight, and full of confidence, begged that Mary
would assist her, and she understood that this good Mother had already obtained
from God time for her to weep over so many crimes. After the vision Benedicta
led a good life; but always seeing before her eyes that terrible catalog, she
one day began to implore her comfortress in the following terms: ' My Mother,'
said she, ' it is true that for my crimes I ought now to be in the lowest abyss
of hell, but since thou, by obtaining me time to repent, hast delivered me from
it, I ask thee this one favor more, 0 most compassionate Lady, that my sins
may be canceled from the book, and I will never cease all the same to weep for
them.' At this prayer Mary appeared to her, and told her that to obtain what she
desired she must always remember her sins and the mercy that God had shown her,
and besides, that she should often recall to her mind the sufferings which her
Divine Son had endured for her love, and consider how many were lost for less
sins than she had committed; and, at the same time, revealed to her, that on
that day, a child only eight years of age would go to hell for one mortal sin. Benedicta
obeyed our Blessed Lady faithfully, and, behold, one day Jesus Christ appeared
to her, and showing her the book, said, ' See, the book is blank, thy sins are canceled, now write acts of love and virtue in their stead.' Doing this,
Benedicta led a holy life, and died the death of a Saint.
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Pazzi Madonna – DONATELLO
my most sweet Lady, since thy office is, as William of Paris says, that of a
mediatrix between God and sinners, I will address thee in the words of St.
Thomas of Villanova: ' Fulfil thy office in my behalf, 0 tender Advocate, do
thy work.' Say not that my cause is too difficult to gain, for I know, and all
tell me so, that every cause, no matter how desperate, if undertaken by thee,
is never, and never will be, lost. And will mine be lost? Ah, no, this I cannot
fear. The only thing that I might fear is that, on seeing the multitude of my
sins, thou mightest not undertake my defense. But on seeing thy immense mercy,
and the very great desire of thy most sweet heart to help the most abandoned
sinners, even this I cannot fear. And who was ever lost that had recourse to
thee 1 Therefore, I invoke thy aid, O my great Advocate, my refuge, my hope, my
Mother, Mary. To thy hands do I entrust the cause of my eternal salvation. To thee do I commit my soul; it was lost, but thou hast to save it. I will always
thank our Lord for having given me this great confidence in thee; and which,
notwithstanding my unworthiness, I feel is an assurance of salvation. I have
but one fear to afflict me, 0 beloved Queen, and that is, that I may one day,
by my own negligence, lose this confidence in thee. And therefore I implore
thee, 0 Mary, by the love thou bearest to Jesus, thyself to preserve and increase
in me, more and more, this sweet confidence in thy intercession, by which I hope most certainly to recover the Divine friendship, that I have hitherto so
madly despised and lost; and having recovered it, I hope, through thee, to
preserve it; and preserving it by the same means, I hope at length to thank
thee for it in heaven, and there to sing God's mercies and thine for all eternity.
Amen. This is my hope; thus may it be, thus it will be.
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