0, what an evident mark of
predestination have the servants of Mary! The holy Church, for the consolation
of her clients, puts into her mouth the words of Ecclesiasticus, ' In all these
I sought rest, and I shall abide in the inheritance of the Lord.' Cardinal Hugo explains these words, and says, 'Blessed is he in whose house the most Holy
Virgin finds repose.' Mary, out of the love she bears to all, endeavors to
excite in all devotion to wards herself; many either do not admit it into their
souls, or do not preserve it. But blessed is he that receives, and preserves
it. 0, how many blessed souls are there now in heaven, who would never have
been there had not Mary, by her powerful intercession, led them thither. St.
Bonaventure says, 'that the gates of heaven will open to all who confide in the
protection of Mary.' Hence St. Ephrem calls devotion to the Divine Mother, '
the unlocking of the gates of the heavenly Jerusalem.' The devout Blosius also,
addressing our Blessed Lady, says, 'To thee, 0 Lady, are committed the keys and
the treasures of the kingdom of heaven.' And therefore we ought constantly to
pray to her, in the words of St. Ambrose," ' Open to us, 0 Mary, the gates
of paradise, since thou hast its keys.' Nay, more, the Church says, ' that thou
art its gate.' For the same reason, finally, is she called, by St. Peter
Damian, 'the heavenly ladder.' ‘For,' says the Saint, ' by Mary God descended
from heaven into the world, that by her men might ascend from earth to heaven.'
St. Antoninus tells us ' that this Divine Mother has already, by her assistance
and prayers, obtained heaven for us, provided we put no obstacle in the way.'
Hence says the Abbot Guarric, ' He who serves Mary, and for whom she
intercedes, is as certain of heaven as if he was already there.' St. John Damascene
also says, ' that to serve Mary and be her courtier is the greatest honor we
can possibly possess ; for to serve the Queen of Heaven is already to reign
there, and to live under her commands is more than to govern. ‘On the other
hand, he adds, 'that those who do not serve Mary will not be saved; for those
who are deprived of the help of this great Mother are also deprived of that of
her Son and of the whole court of heaven.' 'May the infinite goodness of our
Lord be ever praised,' says St. Bernard, ' for having been pleased to give us
Mary as our advocate in heaven, that she being at the same time the Mother of
our Judge and a Mother of Mercy, may be able, by her intercession, to conduct
to a prosperous issue the great affair of our eternal salvation.' St. James, a
doctor of the Greek Church, says, ' that God destined Mary as a bridge of salvation,
by using which we might with safety pass over the stormy sea of this world, and
reach the happy haven of paradise.' Therefore St. Bonaventure exclaims, ' Give
ear, ye nations, and all you who desire heaven, serve, honor Mary, and
certainly you will find eternal life.' Nor should those even who have deserved
hell, be in the least doubtful as to obtaining heaven, provided they are faithful
in serving this Queen. '0, how many sinners,' says St. Germanus, 'have found
God and have been saved by thy means, 0 Mary!' It is true -that in this world
no one can be certain of his salvation: ' Man knoweth not whether he be worthy
of love or hatred,' says the Ecclesiastes. But St. Bonaventure, on the words of
King David, ' Lord, who shall dwell in Thy tabernacle? and on the preceding
quotation, answers, ' Sinners, let us follow Mary closely, and casting
ourselves at her feet, let us not leave them until she has blessed us; for her
blessing will insure our salvation.' 'It suffices, 0 Lady,' says St. Anselm, 'that
thou willest it, and our salvation is certain.' And St. Antoninus says, 'that
souls protected by Mary, and on which she casts her eyes, are necessarily
justified and saved.' St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi saw a vessel in the midst of
the sea: in it were all the clients of Mary, and this Blessed Mother herself
steered it safely into the port. By this the Saint understood, that those who
live under the protection of Mary, are secure in the midst of the dangers of
this life from the shipwreck of sin, and from eternal damnation; for she
guides them safely into the haven of salvation. Let us then enter this blessed
ship of the mantle of Mary, and there we can be certain of the kingdom of heaven,
for the Church says, ' 0 holy Mother of God, all those who will be partakers of
eternal happiness dwell in thee, living under thy protection.'
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Ecce merces vestra multa est in caelo. Behold, your reward is very great in heaven. |
A Cistercian nun, in Toledo, named
Mary, being at the point of death, the Divine Mother appeared to her. The nun
then said: '0 Lady, the favor thou dost me in visiting me, emboldens me to ask
thee another favor; it is, that I may die at the same hour in which thou didst
expire and enter heaven.' 'Yes,' Mary replied; ' I will satisfy thee, thou
shalt die at that hour, and thou shalt also hear the songs and praises, with
which the blessed
accompanied my entrance into heaven: prepare thyself;' and
then disappeared. The nuns, hearing her speaking to herself, thought that she
was in delirium; but she related the vision which she had had to them, and the
promised favor. She awaited the desired hour; and when she knew, by the
striking of the clock, that it had arrived (the writer does not say what hour
it was), she said, ' Behold the hour announced to me: I already hear the music
of the angels: this is the hour in which my Queen ascended to heaven; peace be
with you, for I now go to see her.' With these words she expired. In the same
moment her eyes became bright as two stars, and her face became of a beautiful
0 Queen of heaven, Mother of holy
love since thou art the most amiable of creatures, the most beloved of God, and
His greatest lover, be pleased to allow the most miserable sinner living in
this world, who, having by thy means been delivered from hell, and without any
merit on his part been so benefited by thee, and who is filled with love for
thee, to love thee. I would desire, were it in my power, to let all men who
know thee not, know how worthy thou art of love, that all might love and honor
thee. I would desire to die for the love of thee, in defense of thy virginity,
of thy dignity of Mother of God, of thy Immaculate Conception, should this
be necessary to uphold these thy great privileges. Ah! my most beloved Mother,
accept this my ardent desire, and never allow a servant of thine, who loves
thee, to become the enemy of thy God, whom thou lovest so much. Alas! poor me,
I was so for a time, when I offended my Lord. But then, 0 Mary, I loved thee
but little, and strove but little to be beloved by thee. But now there is
nothing that I so much desire after the grace of God as to love, and be beloved
by thee. I am not discouraged on account of my past sins, for I know that thou,
0 most benign and gracious Lady, dost not disdain to love even the most
wretched sinners who love thee; nay, more, that thou never allowest thyself to be
surpassed by any in love. Ah! Queen, most worthy of love, I desire to love thee
in heaven. There, at thy feet, I shall better know how worthy thou art of love,
how much thou hast done to save me, and thus I shall love thee with greater
love, and love thee eternally, without fear of ever ceasing to love thee. 0
Mary, I hope, most certainly, to be saved by thy means. Pray to Jesus for me.
Nothing eke is needed; thou hast to save me; thou art my hope. I will therefore
always sing, 0 Mary, my hope, thou hast to save me.