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Come to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. |
Oh, how
faithful is the beautiful heart of Jesus towards those whom He calls to His
love: He is faithful Who hath called you, Who also will perform.’
faithfulness of God gives us confidence to hope all things, although we deserve
nothing. If we have driven God from our heart, let us open the door to Him, and
He will immediately enter, according to the promise He has made: If anyone open
to Me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him. If we wish for graces, let us ask for them of God, in the name of Jesus Christ,
and He has promised us that we shall obtain them: If you shall ask the Father
anything in My name, He will give it you. If we are tempted, let us trust in
His merits, and He will not permit our enemies to strive with us beyond our
strength: God is faithful, Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that
which you are able.
Oh, how much
better it is to have to do with God than with men! How often do men promise and
then fail, either because they tell lies in making their promises, or because,
after having made the promise, they change their minds: God is not as man, says
the Holy Spirit, that He should lie; or as the Son of Man, that He should be
changed. God cannot be unfaithful to His promises, because, being Truth itself,
He cannot lie; nor can He change His mind, because all that He wills is just
and right. He has promised to receive all that come to Him, to give help to him
that asks it, to love him that loves Him; and shall He then not do it? Hath He
said, then, and will He not do it?
Oh, that we
were as faithful with God as He is with us! Oh, how often have we, in times
past, promised Him to be His, to serve Him and love Him; and then have betrayed
Him, and, renouncing His service, have sold ourselves as slaves to the devil!
Oh, let us beseech
Him to give us strength to be faithful to Him for the future! Oh, how blessed
shall we be if we are faithful to Jesus Christ in the few things that He
commands us to do; He will, indeed, be faithful in remunerating us with
infinitely great rewards; and He will declare to us what He has promised to His
faithful servants: Well done, good and faithful servant; because thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things; enter thou into
the joy of thy Lord.
Affections and Prayers
Oh, that I
had been as faithful towards Thee, my dearest Redeemer, as Thou hast been
faithful to me. Whenever I have opened my heart to Thee, Thou hast entered in,
to forgive me and to receive me into Thy favor; whenever I have called Thee,
Thou hast hastened to my assistance. Thou hast been faithful with me, but I
have been exceedingly unfaithful towards Thee. I have promised Thee my love,
and then have many times refused it to Thee; as if Thou, my God, Who hast
created and redeemed me, wert less worthy of being loved than Thy creatures and
those miserable pleasures for which I have forsaken Thee. Forgive me, O my
Jesus. I know my ingratitude, and abhor it. I know that Thou art infinite
goodness; Who deservest an infinite love, especially from me, whom Thou hast so
much loved, even after all the offenses I have committed against Thee. Unhappy
me if I should damn myself; the graces Thou hast vouchsafed to me, and the
proofs of the singular affection which Thou hast shown me, would be, O God, the
hell of hells to me, Ah, no, my love, have pity on me; suffer me not to forsake
Thee again, and then by damning myself, as I should deserve, continue to repay
in Hell with injuries and hatred the love that Thou hast borne me. O loving and
faithful heart of Jesus, inflame, I beseech Thee, my miserable heart, so that
it may burn with love for Thee, as Thine dost for me, My Jesus. It seems to me
that now I love Thee; but I love Thee but little. Make me love Thee
exceedingly, and remain faithful to Thee until death. I ask of Thee this grace,
together with that of always praying to Thee for it. Grant that I may die,
rather than ever betray Thee again.
O Mary, my
Mother, help me to be faithful to thy Son.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena: St. Alphonsus
Liguori – Day 9
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